C2E Network- based treatment platform for Home Electroceuticals
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Currently at a global level, there is no method of treating intractable brain diseases at home.
By making the hospital TMS compact, we want to provide means for home treatment at a cost that users
can afford, utilizing a powerful platform called the "c2e network".
Digital medicine offers cutting-edge technologies for intervention of intractable diseases which are difficult to treat.
NextQure has developed the world’s first wearable TMS device through innovation resulting in
MiμC (Magnetic induced micro Current) products that enable home treatment.
REMED BrainStim will build c2e Network connecting Home treatment unit
with mobile means as a way to manage patients’ continuous treatment.
REMED BrainStim has secured protocols to treat dementia, autism, depression, and
addiction with its MiμC technology for which clinical efficacy and safety have been
confirmed for hospital use.
Customized treatment protocols and helmet for
each disease enabling application to various illnesses